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Once a Soldier Always a Soldier

December 2018, I was sitting idle at home and was just rolling TV channels to find something interesting to watch and suddenly tuned to a news channel where a summit was happening. The compere on the stage was introducing next speaker which really raised curiosity in me, as her words were overwhelming about the upcoming speaker. For the first time I have heard a retired soldier is hosting a show called "Patriot", the name itself was so convincing and touched to the core. So decided to watch and then a speaker appeared on screen... A simple person but with lot of enthusiasm on face... It was the first glimpse and by the time his talk finished I was his fan, what he talked has really shaken me from inside and realized me that how selfish I am and rather I should say we all are... We are just doing our job, enjoying time with family and friends and enjoying every leisure beyond our capacity and someone was living a life on LoC and that person will not even think for a second to go into mouth of devil to protect you and me. I was lost totally after that what I can do for this soldier, but answer was in that talk only. Soldier doesn't demand anything he doesn't want money or a big house but demands honour. Really this statement made me to think are we worth that someone could sacrifice his life to protect us... Lot many questions???
This speaker was none other that Major Gaurav Arya and the title of talk was "Life of a soldier"... ( )

This talk made me to think what we are doing for the Nation...
MGA a name became familiar to millions of Indians became an icon and being seen as Voice of Army. He felt that the Indian Army’s story needs telling. The soldier’s voice needs to be heard. In March 2017, a small discussion between MGA and Arnab and we got "PATRIOT" which is telling the stories of soldiers, Regiments, bonding of PALTAN... Suddenly soldier got voice and we the citizens of this Nation started knowing what our soldiers are doing for us, sacrifices they and their families are making... The life which was running between Office, Home and Leisure got attached to someone who was guarding us day and night. Major Gaurav Arya became a bridge between the Indian citizens and soldiers who is telling and connecting us to every soldier who is standing between us and every invader of this Nation, due to whom we can sleep, work and enjoy our life...
Coming back to Life of a Soldier, Major Gaurav Arya who came back after 18 years and connected citizens of India to armed forces. After reading about him, watching him on debates I realized that every person has a purpose in life. His purpose was to serve the Nation regardless of the fact, whether he was wearing uniform or not. And after gap of 18 years his purpose got him back and A soldier came back to speak for his brothers and tell their stories to the world and to fight for them against anti-nationals who in the name of Human Rights were criticizing the soldiers.
After his talk finished, just went to Google and started searching for MGA and found that he was working as a President for a MNC and one day he felt agitated because a terrorist was being glorified and compared to Shaheed Bhagat Singh. In this state of mind he wrote an open letter to Burhan Wani and things changed for him from that day. Next day he was called on a panel-discussion on an English channel. Three days after that show, again invited to another English news channel at Film City, Noida by Arnab Goswami and a journey started for telling the brutal truth without pulling punches…. debate after debate. Those who would attack India were put in the dock. And suddenly Arnab left Times now and after six months a hurricane came to our doors called REPUBLIC and Gaurav joined that tide and News never remained same from that day. This is how India got Major Gaurav Arya.
Major Gaurav Arya, your words have infinite power, you speak from the heart and conviction is marvelous. Words coming from your heart are touching the core of every nationalist and worked to awake the spirit inside me which unintentionally I forgot while staying in my own world. I can’t say enough thanks for the motivation that I got from you and encouraged me to search the purpose of my life. I started doing so many things which I never did before and I will always be thankful to you for this change in my life which made me a better person. The magic of Olive Green is unimaginable,  it not only changes the person who wears it but influences the people around that soldier. In same way MGA you motivated millions of Indians and I want to say thanks on behalf of all those who got motivated by you.
MGA you are My Role Model, My HERO and Guiding light for me… For me you are my touchstone and want to become like you, although I know it s impossible but efforts will always be on…

You are a legend, a league apart and I pray that you keep motivating people always... 

"Har Maidan Fateh"


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